
New Short Story

So, have just posted my new short story, which I wrote just for the fun of it. I have to be careful because I’ve entered some comps so mustn’t put any of those up.

Also, have received my copy of Midnight Echo 5 with my poem in it. It is absolutely fab. for those of you who like the Horror genre. The stories are varied and quirky, not just same old, same old. The art work is weird and interesting. So cool!

Have 4 days left to get my 2nd draft of my writing project for Uni in. I have made big changes, but will it be enough? I should get back to it but will have a cuppa first. See you in about 4 days.


I’m okay now, lol! Chapter 2 Sinbad up

I am over myself now. The bruises on my ego have changed to raw red-purple to putrid yellow. I know, I know…I’ve been told a million times I have to harden up and accept criticism, knowing it’s not a personal attack. I do know that, of course, but there are ways and there are ways. Enough! I have at least started my 2nd draft, which is actually a rewrite, and now have, er…12 days to get it done.

So, What am I doing here? Well, I promised to have Chapter 2 of Sinbad up on the 30th of last month and haven’t done that yet. Am doing it now. I want to ask you if I should put up the chapters more quickly, say every 2 weeks? And please make some (helpful) comments.

I am reading Ovid’s “The Art of Love” (in translation, of course), which sounds very highbrow but is actually a hoot. I will discuss it more fully after I’ve finished Draft 2. Have to go to work on it now, so be hearing from you.

Oh, forgot to say a big thank you to all who sent me words of encouragement. I really did appreciate it. Love you all.


It’s official

Just got my assignment back and it’s official – I suck as a writer. To say I’m disappointed would be an understatement. Now I wish I hadn’t sent off to any of those comps recently. I’m obviously just wasting my time. Boo hoo for me! What a sook I am! Sigh Back to the drawing board.