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Changing the subject…

Writing wise I have done little since my last post. Leave me alone, I’m thinking. That is my excuse and I’m sticking to it.

However, I have done another acrylic painting. I was a little over birds  (click here to view the birds), so I decided to look at fish and got side tracked by this seahorse.

Shy Seahorse

He looks embarrassed to have his portrait done, and a bit sad as he contemplates the state we humans have made of his home.              Cheers for now, Rosa.


I’m an Impostor, Are You?

I’m an Impostor, Are You?. Loved this blog. And I am too, but even so I just have to keep writing. Here is a set of quotes that may help. Many are appropiate following my last post. Have a hell of a Sunday!   Rosa.



Yes, the exhibit and evening around the log fire has been postponed because of the rainy weather. Never mind, I got some painting done in the run up and can relax for that for a bit.It will be all happening at a later date. I’ll let you know the details as they are decided.

However, I’ve had a good idea for a 10 minute play so will spent the coming rainy days fleshing that out. I am basing it on a short, short story I wrote some time ago. I will then save up my pennies and enter it in this year’s Short & Sweets.  Speaking of which, I still haven’t received the film of ‘The Violin Player’. I will have to contact the company and what is holding things up.

One of my beta readers for ‘Jenny’s Story’ has got back to me and given some really useful feedback and some much needed encouragement. I have to say I am actually rather fond of the characters in this story. They let you in much more than ‘Ruth’ did. She is deliberately distant. She doesn’t fit in this world and has all sorts of jagged bits hanging out. She is already broken and has given up. I feel for her but she is definitely a difficult personality. Her back story is interesting and you can have a peek into her past here. Please be warned that, though there is nothing to offend in the excerpt given, parts of RIP are not for the faint -hearted, so don’t go there if you are not prepared for a dark story which includes sex, and death – important parts of life.

I have been doing some hard thinking about my earlier decision to change to a Pen-name for RIP. It feels all wrong for me. Should I be ashamed of the content of my story just because it is raw and confronting, because it is uncomfortable? I’m not ashamed of it but I don’t want to offend people close to me. But, hiding behind a pen name won’t work anyway. I’m still me and I did write the said novel. I don’t know what to do really. I will have to think on it more. It shall probably remain a moot point anyway, unless I get a publishing contract. It’s all too hard at the moment          Later guys, Rosa.


Third and Last


So, here is the last of my three birds. I’m prtty sure Splendid Fairy Wrens do not live in the bouganvillea but sometimes I have no control over what happens on my canvas. I usually keep my backgrounds plain and uncomplicated and I now know why. I’m not a fan of this. It is far too busy and distracting. If I had time I might redo it but…

Still the bird is ok, though I missed true colour . Possibly because I was using more than one photo and I am not really familiar with this bird. And, at the risk of sounding like I’m excuse making, I haven’t worked in acrylics very much lately. Not sure I’m a fan.

We’ll have to wait and see what the peeps say at the exhibit next Sat. evening. If you are in the area do pop around to Gail’s Place and have a look. There are about 8 of us showing art woork throughout the garden. Then there is  open mike for poetry and short stories. Hope to see you there, cheers Rosa.


I’m away with the birds.

Can’t help myself. Here is the Gouldian Finch I have just completed…I think.

This time courtesy of Wikipedia. Missed on his breast colour but not too bad. I would love to say I did this ‘au plein air’ but I’ve only ever seen them in cages. Poor things.


Cheers, Rosa.


Sunday morning, March 9th

This lazy Sunday morning between 7 and 8 am I was visited by approx 12 different species of bird. They flitted in and out, calling hello in their various voices. Two of my visitors stayed to play in the fish pond. Check out the slideshow below. Love, Rosa.

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22nd March

I am busy painting for an exhibition on 22nd March at Gail’s Place.


I have just finished this one of a red-headed kingfisher, inspired by a photograph by Ian Montgomery I found on Australian Parrots and Birds.

What do you think? I love birds and I love painting them as well. I am painting a Gouldian finch at the moment. It is a strange thing but when I start I have no idea how i”m going to manage to find the bird on the canvas, but somehow he emerges and I am blissed out. No seriously, my BP drops to about 90 systolic and I float for a couple of days before I start my next project. I am usually pleasantly surprised that it is my hand that has done the work. How could that be? It excites and intrigues me.

Anyhow, ‘peace’ people,  Rosa.