Art Uncategorized Writing

Hello again!

I decided it was time to write something here and start to become active again. I had to laugh when I looked back. It seems this is turning int an annual blog, just about. Ah well! Lots has happened of course but most of that is of no interest to you. So let me tell you a few things. I have entered masses of competitions, both art and writing, and been rejected. I have sent work off to masses of publishers and been rejected. The latest was a portrait I did for the Perc Tucker Gallery Portrait Competition, it was rejected…didn’t even make it onto the wall…I was dejected. However, I still like it and think it was good enough to make the grade…poo to them…boohoo for me. Here it is.20160211_105019.jpg

If you like it tell me. If you hate it, shut up, I don’t want to hear. Lol! What does one do with a failed portrait? Damned if I know. I have offered it to the subject but he only asked for a photo and hasn’t got back to me yet…maybe it really is that bad. Tough. Out to the shed it will go. The rats can gnaw on him until I turn the shed into a gallery/workshop…or I die, whichever comes first. Calm down, it’s a joke. It is a dark and rainy day here and I’ll talk about what ever I like.

On the writing front, because of the rejections I’ve looked at RIP again and decided to add another twist then to hell with it I will self publish. As Percy Rose, of course. He is being resurrected along side me. Why? I read that one should have a different author name for each genre…apparently…

I’ve written a few poems but not as many as usual. Feeling a bit shaky about them. I am feeling shaky about all of my writing, really. Some short stories have been rewritten, also wrote a couple of short memoir pieces. Yes Lindsay Simpson REALLY.

T t t t hat’s all f folks!  (for now)  Cheers Rosa.

This is supposed to go automatically go to my facebook but is notdoing so…rats…