
Yaah! Pan McMillan

Manuscript Mondays at Pan Macmillan
Manuscript Monday is a new initiative which is part of Pan Macmillan Australia’s manuscript submission process. If you’ve ever dreamed of getting published, and have a story you’d like to pitch, here’s your chance to have it read by a publisher. No more navigating the slush pile! Every Monday between 10am and 4pm electronic submissions will be accepted. Click here for details.


New pages now up!

Have just added Chapter 6 of Sinbad’s Voyage, a new Short Story ‘Photographic Memory’ and 3 new poems. Please feel free to comment. cheers, Rosa.


Hi all! I know I’ve been terribly slack where the writing is concerned but my darling little William is consuming my time in the most delightful fashion, but it is now 6am and he and Mummy are fast a sleep, so here I am.

As to the Master’s, my ceremony is on the 14th April at JCU. I shall be back north by then trying to find gainful employment outside of  the nursing field, if possible.  Not that I’m complaining. Nursing has been wonderful, but 40 years is enough. Time for a change. Me time. I love writing, the actual process, the discovering of characters, the strange twisting journey the story takes me on…I even love the correcting and re-writing to get that word or sentence just right to convey my meaning more fully. Love punctuation and grammar because they help me do just that.

The novel I’m supposed to be working on is coming along. I was having a hard time plotting it to give the effect I wanted but have made a dint in it and am feeling more positive on that score. I have to say my protagonist scares me a little. She is a strange creature. I can identify with her, somewhat, as she is a nurse (we never actually stop being), but she is so deep and dark. Where did she come from? Is she a reflection of my darker side?

Speaking of dark sides, I have submitted a poem to Midnight echo, the Australian Horror Writers’ Association magazine, about just that subject. You should subscribe to Midnight Echo if you like the genre. It is excellent, and not just because they have previously published one of my poems. Haven’t done much poetry lately, however, I did make contact with a poetry group here in Canberra. They were very friendly and welcoming. Although they have actually broken up for the Christmas break they are still having ad hoc meetings if anyone turns up at Joey’s Cafe so will pop along again.

Also tried to make contact with The Canberra Writers Group with my friend Nikesh who is now working in Canberra but unfortunately they have broken up for the Christmas break so we will have to try again in the New Year.

I will now add Chapter 6 to Sinbad’s Voyage and try to find a short story to put up.

I will try to be more regular in my posts. See you next time.