Uncategorized Writing

Hi there, again! I have been offline for a while because of some damn virus I picked up. No details, don’t worry. Anyway I haven’t been doing much.

I have been working on my first watercolour portrait. Not too happy with the first effort. It looked like an illustration for a book, but have been fiddling and fiddling and it is better now…I think. We’ll see what the woman who commissioned it says. When I have her permission I will post it in my gallery.

I have decided to use a pseudonym for “Ruth In Pieces’. My surname ‘Christian’ just doesn’t seem to work with the book’s content. So, you will find a new Facebook entry under Percy Rose with excerpts from Ruth In Pieces on the age protected page accessible from there.

I have stared to nut out a new book but haven’t got very far. Decided I’d take a different approach than just slamming the story onto the page. Thought I’d try to be more organised – write my character profiles, scenes, shape of story. However, it is not working for me. I just want to write the story and do the details later. So will do that, as the careful plotting etc is putting me off. How do you go about writing your stories? Are you a plotter? Do you write screeds then chop it back? Do you write the bare bones and flesh it out later? I am seriously interested in how you go about the business of writing, so let me know.

Cheers for now , Rosa.