
Done it!

Yes, I have! I have submitted RIP (Ruth In Pieces) to a publisher, Hachette . Well the first 50 pages anyway. I had to do a 300 word synopsis and a bio along with a cover letter. I think I should have run these by my friends at my writer’s group first, but I was already one day over my self-imposed deadline and I won’t get to see them ’til next Thurs. So, I just did it. I’m not expecting to be picked up, hoping but not expecting – especially since I first sent off the cover letter without the attachments. I know! What an idiot, right? I think my fingers got over-excited and just leapt to ‘send’ without asking permission. Ah well. Maybe the cover letter was interesting enough for them to forgive me and read it anyway.

According to their blurb I am supposed to hear within 3 weeks, which is pretty damn fast so I won’t be left wondering too long. Of course, they only get in touch if you have been successful. They don’t give feedback on mss that are not accepted. That is good and bad. Bad ’cause it would be great to hear their constructive critique, but good ’cause they can’t tell me it stinks, which means that in my ignorance I can continue annoying other publishers.

So, in 3 weeks I shall submit to someone else, I guess. It should be easier to let it go next time…and I WILL remember to send the attachments. I am nervous, so I am off to do some painting and bliss out.  Bye for now!