

I have just made changes to my pages Beautiful Balgal and there is no longer a slide show ’cause I screwed it up and didn’t know how to rectify it. So, now there are thumbnails of the same photos of sunrises etc. Plus, I’ve added another page with photographs of some of the birds I’ve met here at Balgal. Hope you enjoy them.

Not a lot happening with my writing. A small hiatus.


Beautiful Balgal

I have added a new page to my site – a slideshow of Balgal Beach, where I and Sinbad live. Check out the slideshow. I am so blessed.


Short Hodge Podge.

Well, here it is several days later and I have finished my two one act plays (thinking I might enter one or both in next years FOOAP) and typed up about 4 short, short stories ie stories around 200 words. I use some of the exercises from our writing group as the basis for the stories. Sometimes they need not a lot of change other times they are simply the springboard from which I leap into the ether of my imagination.

My new nursing job is very enjoyable. So nice not to have to do shifts and/or nights. I am feeling well for it. And the joy is, I still have time for writing because I’m working permanent part-time.

To my beta readers – please hurry up and sent the mss back. I am feeling very anxious.

Still waiting to hear about Brisbane selections. Is that good or bad? Bad, I reckon.

I am off to see a local production of “Chicago” one of my all time favourites.

As you can see I’m not feeling terribly inspired today…hence the drivel.    Cheers.


Playing around!

I have decided to make 2 of my ten-minute plays into One Acts. I think I am finished one and the other is coming along rather slowly. an extra 25 to 35 minutes of dialogue is rather taxing. When it flows it is very uplifting but figuring out how to prolong the tension, add complications or obstructions, keep the humour going etc. is harder than one might think.

One is a comedy – I find humour a difficult genre. How do I know that what I find funny is good enough for the page. After all, I am a little warped. The other is a drama, which if pushed too far risks becoming a cheesy comedy. Sigh! I don’t want anyone to laugh while watching this. It’s supposed to be dark.

On a brighter note, I think, I have posted an excerpt from RIP on face book. Have a look and let me know what you think. Thanks. ‘Later, Rosa.

Uncategorized Writing


I have just opened a facebook page for Ruth In Pieces.Please go and have a look. This may sound pathetic, but please LIKE me…on the page. I will be putting up excerpts every now and again and talking/whingeing about the editing and publishing process. I am, also, thinking hard about a cover. You’d think that it couldn’t be so hard but I am void of ideas at the mo. Off now to do more writing. Cheers, Rosa.


The POT Society

We POTheads (Playwrights of Townsville) have just had our first meeting and it was great to see everyone again and listen to their latest efforts. We are all continuing on with our plays; entering and re-entering the Short and Sweet Comps. Some of us are trying our hands at One-act or longer plays as well. It is fascinating to listen to such a variety of tales from my other POTheads. We do try to work with what Alex showed us and help each other stay on track. There are many other things in the pipeline for us. It is exciting to write dialogue (with a few directorial instructions thrown in). I can feel the actress in me begging to be set free…maybe I will get back into it, but the logistics of being available for rehearsals are a problem.   I made myself write a new comedy piece. I had to. I was getting worried about surrounding myself with all that madness and murder. I had to find the fresh air and sunshine again.

On the R.I.P. front I am waiting on my Beta readers so I can tear my hair out, cry and get on with the necessary changes. I haven’t done much with the follow up one, too busy writing plays. The results and exhilaration are much more immediate. That suits my goldfish attention span. I will get on with the other but trust my muse to let me know when its ready to be written. All right, that is excuse making, I admit. I will sit down and concentrate…soon. But now I must go to bed. ‘Night, Rosa.